The iRulu 7″ Kids Tablet is a tablet designed for children and the LeapPad Ultimate is a 7″ educational tablet, so how do they compare? They are both 7″ tablets and they both have a screen resolution of 1024×600 pixels. Both tablets come with a protective case in several colours; the Ultimate also has a slot for its accompanying stylus.
The Kids Tablet is an Android tablet running 7.1 Nougat out of the box and comes with Google Play installed. The Ultimate is not an Android tablet and cannot install Google Play. It can only get content from the LeapFrog App Center or by using LeapFrog cartridges.
The Kids Tablet comes with 16 gigabytes (GB) of internal memory, double the 8 GB of the Ultimate. The Kids Tablet also has a memory card slot that will take memory cards up to 32 GB in size, whilst the Ultimate lacks such. Both tablets have WiFi and a micro USB port but the Kids Tablet also comes with Bluetooth.
Both tablets have front and rear facing cameras. Both cameras on the Ultimate have a 2.0-megapixel (MP) resolution; on the Kids Tablet, the front facing camera only has a resolution of 0.3 MP whilst the rear camera’s resolution is 2.0 MP.
The Kids Tablet comes with third party parental controls from iWawa, which allow parents to control usage, websites children can access and apps they can use. The Ultimate comes with LeapFrog’s own very strong, and very inflexible parental controls; as well as controlling the time children can be on the tablet, children can only visit around 1,000 pieces of web content that have been handpicked by LeapFrog.
The battery life of the Kids Tablet is listed as being 3-5 hours, whilst that of the Ultimate is listed as 5+ hours. The Kids Tablet is only certified to be a safe table for children to learn on, whilst the Ultimate excels at educational use.
In technical terms, the Kids Tablet is better than the Ultimate in everything except the front facing camera and battery life. It is also more suited as a general-purpose tablet. The Ultimate is only really suitable as an educational tablet, and the inflexibility of the parental controls means that it’s safe, but children can’t do what they might expect on the tablet. The iRulu 7″ Kids Tablet is a generally superior, but less strongly protected and less suited to education, tablet to the LeapPad Ultimate.