Does the iRulu 7″ Kids Tablet Come With Parental Controls?

Padlock with Key

Padlock with KeyParents want to keep their children safe online, and limit how much time is spent on an electronics device, and this is where parental controls come in.

The iRulu 7″ Kids Tablet comes with parental controls provided by iWawa. From the Parental Control Interface, parents can create accounts for children and add applications, games and websites that this account is allowed to visit and use.

Parents can also control the amount of time children spend on the tablet. This includes a daily limit, start and end times for use, when the tablet is available, duration that it is available and rest time. This means that a parent can ensure their child does not spend too much time on the tablet.

These parental controls are not, in and of themselves, educational. Instead, they make an Android tablet safe for children to use, thereby allowing them access to apps and websites that are educational without a parent worrying about them stumbling across something inappropriate.