What Does Being GMS Certified Mean for the Sannuo 10.1″ Kids Tablet?

Android Logo

Android LogoThe Sannuo 10.1″ Kids Tablet is stated to be GMS Certified, so what exactly does this mean? Firstly, GMS stands for Google Mobile Services, and Android devices can be GMS Certified hardware or non-GMS hardware. GMS Certified devices come with Google’s own proprietary apps installed; devices that are not GMS Certified do not have access to said proprietary apps. In and of itself, that isn’t as important with a children’s device, as children may lack access to those apps anyway, but parents will normally be able to use them via the parental controls.

More importantly, GMS Certification means that the hardware and software on the device have been certified by Google to meet a number of standards, and devices that are GMS Certified will have passed a series of tests.