When you have a child who wants to browse the internet, as a parent a primary concern is that they not access unsuitable material, which is far too easy to stumble across.
The LeapPad Ultra has very strong parental controls that can completely block access to any material you are not happy for your child to see.
The first level of control is the apps and games that can be downloaded from LeapFrog’s App Center or bought as cartridges. All of Leap Frog’s apps are approved by their educator.
The second level of control is over what your child can access on the internet itself. The LeapPad Ultra comes with LeapFrog’s own search engine, which only allows your child to visit the sites that LeapFrog has approved.
Finally, you can also configure the parental settings on the LeapFrog website and restrict access to the App Center, so that your child cannot download apps without approval.
With the LeapPad Ultra, your child is protected from seeing unsuitable content and spending money by accident on or in apps.
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