Can Children Play Games on the LeapPad Platinum?

Game Controller

Game ControllerOne thing that parents may consider when choosing a tablet for their child is whether or not there are any games available for the tablet.

The LeapPad Platinum does have games available, both from the LeapFrog App Centre and in cartridge form.

It should be remembered, though, that content is only available from LeapFrog, and that the Platinum is an educational, and an entertainment, tablet.

Consequently, those games that are available are educational games. Whilst they are intended to be a fun way to learn, as otherwise getting children to learn can be difficult, they are intended to teach children a variety of different subjects.

There are games available for the tablet, but they are not of the type that could be found in one of the more typical app stores, being primarily educational. Games that would be available on such as the Android platform are not available for the LeapPad Platinum.