What Ports Does the nabi Jr Have?

Tablet Ports

Tablet PortsPorts are a primary method by which tablets communicate with other devices and recharge, with WiFi, Bluetooth and the rare Near Field Communications being other methods.

Newer versions of the nabi Jr. come with a nabi Connector port. This is a custom port that fulfils the role of a micro USB port and an HDMI port, allowing the Jr. to be connected to other devices, including compatible televisions, allowing pictures and videos to be viewed on a large screen. The downside of the custom port is that it needs a custom cable too. A micro SD card slot allows the available storage to be expanded. The tablet also has a 3.5 mm headphone jack.

Also built into the case are volume buttons, a power/lock button for switching the tablet on and off and locking it, a camera, an integral microphone and speaker, and a variety of other short cut keys.