The Orbo Jr comes with 4GB of internal memory. With the amount of content that can be added to a tablet these days, such as music, games from the Amazon Appstore and Google Play Store, and user created content such as videos and pictures taken with the built-in cameras, having the means to expand that storage if required is a good idea.
The tablet has an external SD memory card slot, in which SD cards up to 32 GB can be inserted, increasing the total amount of memory available for storage by up to 9 times, and that’s just by using one card. Although only one memory card can be used at a time, there is no reason why multiple cards can’t be used to expand the amount of storage even more.
This means that the Orbo Jr has the ability, once an SD card is purchased, to store a substantial amount of data, even that which uses more memory, such as videos and music.